The competition task was to develop a design concept for developing the area of the former Flora market in Jelenia Góra. The area of the development used to be a baroque garden establishment followed by a horticultural garden. The competition guidelines were to create a concept for a new meeting place for residents, with a significant presence of greenery and possible local trade. Ten projects were submitted. The Competition Jury, consisting of Aleksandra Wasilkowska (Chairwoman of the Jury), Sylwia Bajor, Łukasz Pancewicz, Urszula Forczek-Brataniec, Piotr Górka, Renata Kwiatek and Julian Wajenerowski, awarded the following prizes:
The first cash prize of PLN 35,000 and an invitation to negotiate a sole-source contract to detail the competition project, develop a functional and utility program and formulate guidelines for a new local zoning plan was won by Alicja Maculewicz.
Justification: The author of the Green Quarter project proposed a coherent urban and landscape composition of the hortus conclusus and economically rational proportions of the new residential development, a market and the green area. The author gave the space of the former Flora Market the proper structure and scale of a small-town square by introducing freestanding residential and commercial development located in the lower part of the plot and green forest facades around the square. The project has a high natural value, combining Miyawaki's biodiverse pocket forests, a hydro botanical pond, avifauna architecture, and a dog run. The Green Quarter project fits perfectly into the urban, landscape, social and economic structure of Jelenia Gora. It can become an element of the city's natural system and an attractive downtown residential area.
The second cash prize of PLN 10,000 was awarded to the team consisting of Agata Twardoch, Michal Miroslawski, Filip Gawin and Marta Swoszowska.
Justification: The jury appreciated the inclusive nature of the project. The authors of the work proposed a socially innovative infrastructure that considers the needs of refugees, teenagers, younger parents, flora and fauna, i.e. minorities whose specific needs are usually overlooked in the design of urban spaces. The use and retention of rainwater were also appreciated, as was the innovative treatment of public toilets, a playground and relaxation zones, as well as equal treatment based on gender, age and fitness. The innovative and multifunctional form of the canopy, which combines the function of a market, cultural events and neighbourhood meetings, was also noted. The competition jury found that the large scale of the canopy was incompatible with the budget possibilities and urban structure of Jelenia Gora.
The third cash prize of PLN 5,000 was awarded to Stanislaw Ignaciuk, Krzysztof Kamienobrodzki, Michal Kempinski, Katarzyna Elwart-Karczewska and Maciej Krynski.
Justification: The jury appreciated the architectural and urban coherence of the Park Flora project. The radical renaturalization of the square and the selection of native plant species combined with the market's light and extremely elegant roofing is a solid and valuable spatial proposal. The building of the innovation and local entrepreneurship centre proposed by the authors is an exciting architectural and social proposal. The Competition Jury found that limiting downtown development to public utility functions does not use the city-forming potential of the place and the urban structure of Jelenia Góra.
The results of the competition, along with the awarded works, have been published in the Public Information Bulletin.