Meeting of the Mayor of the City with residents of Jelenia Góra
On March 14, 2024, the second meeting of the year between the Mayor of Jelenia Góra and residents took place at the Happy Kids Academy in the Zabobrze district of Jelenia Góra. At the outset of the gathering, Mayor Jerzy Łużniak delivered a presentation outlining the current status of city projects and ongoing investments.

Meeting of the Mayor of the City with residents of Jelenia Góra
On February 27, 2024, another meeting between the Mayor of Jelenia Góra and residents of Jelenia Góra - Cieplice was held at Pałac Schaffgotsch in Jelenia Góra - Cieplice. The gathering provided a platform to discuss various topics, including the current status of ongoing projects and investments in the Cieplice area.

Meeting of the Mayor with local entrepreneurs
On February 22, 2024, another "business breakfast" took place at the Jelenia Góra Town Hall, where the Mayor of the City met with representatives of Jelenia Góra cab corporations. During the meeting, representatives from the transport industry provided the Mayor with a written document [...]

The survey
Szanowni Państwo,uprzejmie prosimy o wypełnienie ankiety badającej satysfakcję mieszkańców Jeleniej Góry. Ankieta ma m.in. na celu zidentyfikowanie Państwa oczekiwań jako mieszkańców Jeleniej Góry i klientów miejskich instytucji. Ankieta będzie aktywna do 31.12.2023 r. Ładuję…

Visit of Representatives from the City of Jelenia Góra in Akureyri
From 14th November to 15, a delegation led by President Renata Kwiatek from UMJG [Jelenia Góra Town Hall], along with representatives from city companies, MZK sp. z o.o., and Termy Cieplickie, embarked on a study visit to the enchanting Icelandic city of Akureyri.

Free Training Courses for Entrepreneurs
Project Partner: Karkonoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A., based in Jelenia Góra, is pleased to announce the recruitment of participants for free training courses tailored for entrepreneurs [...]

Visit of Young People from Akureyri, Iceland, to Jelenia Góra
From 28th September to 2nd October, 2023, Jelenia Góra warmly welcomed a group of 10 vibrant young individuals from the Icelandic city of Akureyri, accompanied by their guardians. This enriching visit was orchestrated as a crucial component of international collaboration within the framework of the "Live, Reside, Work in Jelenia Góra!" project. [...]

Visit of Representatives from the Icelandic City of Akureyri in Jelenia Góra
From 28th September to 30, 2023, Jelenia Góra was honoured to host a delegation from the Icelandic municipality of Akureyri, Jelenia Góra's esteemed partner city in the "Live, Reside, Work in Jelenia Góra!" project. [...]

Movi Cities Festival - Wonderland Jelenia Góra Festival of Light - 2nd Edition (2023)
From 28th September to 30, 2023, Jelenia Góra-Cieplice played host to the second edition of the Movi Cities Festival, organized as part of the "Live, Reside, Work in Jelenia Góra" project. The festival unfolded over three enchanting days filled with magic, art, and light, offering Jelenia Góra [...]

Geomorphological Excursion: "How the Relief of Jelenia Góra Was Shaped" – 17th September 2023
We extend a warm invitation for you to join us on a captivating field trip in the Borowy Jar area of Jelenia Góra, led by an expert geomorphologist! Theme: Relief processes featuring the impact of the Pleistocene ice sheet and the role of flowing water. Explore the consequences of climate cooling and warming on the terrain's morphology. Participants will gain insights into interpreting shaded relief maps [...]

Geological Excursion: "On the Granite Frontier - A Journey in Time from 500 Million Years to 300 Million Years" – 16th September 2023
We cordially invite you to join the geological excursion titled "On the Granite Frontier - A Journey in Time from 500 Million Years to 300 Million Years," scheduled for this Saturday, 16th September, 2023. The tour is carefully curated to showcase the co-evolution of magmatic rocks that formed between [...]

Botanical excursion with KPN on Saturday, July 15, 2023.
Join us on Saturday, July 15th, for a botanical field trip organised by the Karkonosze National Park. Meadows are a permanent part of the landscape of the Karkonosze Mountains and Jelenia Góra Valley and are a reminder of the shepherd economy practised in the past [...]

Entomological excursion with KPN on Friday, July 14, 2023.
Join us on Friday, 14th July 2023, for an entomological excursion at the foot of Chojnik Mountain, where entomologist Leszek Kośny will introduce participants to the diverse and fascinating world of insects. These tiny creatures never fail to surprise with their unusual colours, shapes, and intriguing lifestyles. Every blade of grass [..]

Polish-Icelandic Youth Meetings - Akureyri 2023
Young people from Jelenia Góra high schools have returned from NOVU 2023, held in Akureyri, Iceland. From June 26th to July 1st, 2023, students from Jelenia Góra had the opportunity to engage in discussions with colleagues from Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.

KPN invites you to join a nature excursion, "Birds of Stawy Podgórzyńskie and Sobieszowskie", on June 29
The Karkonosze National Park invites you on June 29, 2023, to a nature excursion, "Birds of Stawy Podgórzyńskie and Sobieszowskie", led by an expert ornithologist - Bożena Gramsz, carried out as part of the project "Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!". During the tour [...]

Free training to enable further training or retraining for people over 50
The project partner - Karkonoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. - announces the recruitment of participants for free training to enable further education or requalification. Training is addressed to people who: • live in the administrative area of the City of Jelenia Góra; • are over 50 years of age at the time of the recruitment.

On June 17, KPN invites you for a walking tour in Cieplice with poles
On June 17, 2023 (Saturday), the Karkonosze National Park invites the public to join the "Excursion for Senior Citizens and their Families" featuring a Nordic Walking trainer and a knowledgeable employee of the Karkonosze National Park.

"Excursion for Senior Citizens and Their Families" with a Nordic Walking Trainer and a Karkonosze National Park Employee
On May 13, 2023 (Saturday), our project partner, the Karkonosze National Park, invites the public to join the "Excursion for Senior Citizens and their Families" featuring a Nordic Walking trainer and a knowledgeable employee of the Karkonosze National Park.

Residents' Comments on the Winning Entry of the Architectural Competition for the Redevelopment of the Former Flora Market in Jelenia Góra
We invite you to read residents' comments on the winning entry of the architectural competition for the concept of development of the former Flora market in Jelenia Góra. These comments were submitted in electronic form to: kontakt@jeleniagora.pl.

"Excursion for Senior Citizens and Their Families" with a Nordic Walking Trainer and a Karkonosze National Park Employee
On April 29, 2023 (Saturday), the Karkonosze National Park, invites the public to join the "Excursion for Senior Citizens and their Families" featuring a Nordic Walking trainer and a knowledgeable employee of the Karkonosze National Park. We warmly encourage senior citizens and their families to actively explore the environmentally interesting sites around Jelenia Góra [...]

Extended Call for Free Training for Entrepreneurs and Future Entrepreneurs
Call for free training courses for entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs: - Starting and Running a Business, - Financial and Formal-Legal aspects of doing business,

Social consultations of the project "Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Jelenia Góra Agglomeration, the City of Jelenia Góra and poviats and communes of the Jelenia Góra Agglomeration" as part of Strategic Environmental Assessment
We invite you to participate in social consultations of the project "Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Jelenia Góra Agglomeration, the City of Jelenia Góra and the poviats and communes of the Jelenia Góra Agglomeration" as a part of Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Job fair-a series of meetings between students and entrepreneurs
From 06.03 - 10.03.2023, young people from grades 7 and 8 of Jelenia Góra primary schools (Primary School No. 11, Primary School No. 5 and Primary School No. 7) participated in a meeting at the VALMET Service and Technologies S.A. plant in Cieplice, organized by the Karkonosze Regional Development Agency S.A. as part of a series of meetings between students and entrepreneurs.

After a meeting on the development of the former Flora market in Jelenia Góra
On March 13, 2023, an open meeting was held at Jelenia Góra Town Hall with Ms Alicja Maculewicz, who won the architectural competition for the concept of developing the former Flora market in Jelenia Góra. The author of the Green Quarter project proposed a coherent urban and landscape composition and an idea [...]

Free training courses for entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs
Project partner KARR S.A. invites you to free training sessions carried out within the framework of the project "Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!", co-funded by the MF EEA 2014-2021 and the state budget: 1. Setting up and running a business 2. Financial and formal-legal aspects of running a business

A meeting concerning the architectural competition for the concept of developing the area of the former Flora market in Jelenia Góra
In connection with the final decision of the architectural competition for the concept of developing the area of the former Flora market in Jelenia Góra, we would like to invite you to a meeting with the designer – the winner of first place in the competition, the author of the project "Green Quarter" Ms Alicja Maculewicz. At the meeting, you will be able [...]

The competition task was to develop a design concept for developing the area of the former Flora market in Jelenia Góra. The area of the development used to be a baroque garden establishment followed by a horticultural garden. The competition guidelines were to create a concept for a new meeting place for residents, with a significant presence of greenery and possible local trade.

KPN invites you to a snowshoe outing
As part of the project “Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!” subsidized by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in the “Local Development” program, the Karkonosze National Park invites Jelenia Góra residents to snowshoe outings organized on February 16 and 17, 2023.

Meeting of the Team for the preparation of the Jelenia Gora Agglomeration Climate Change Adaptation Plan and a pilot meeting for employees of public institutions of the Jelenia Gora Agglomeration to disseminate good practices
On January 12, 2023, at the Jelenia Góra Regional Information and Education Center “Książnica Karkonoska”, a Team Meeting was held to prepare a Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change of the Jelenia Góra Agglomeration. The meeting was attended by representatives of the communes: Bolków, Gryfów Śląski, Jeżów Sudecki, Leśna, Lubomierz [...]

Sewing workshops with KPN
The Karkonosze National Park invites you to the next workshop in the project “Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!” subsidized by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in the “Local Development” program. This time we invite people whose machine [...]

Meeting of the Mayor of the City of Jelenia Gora with residents of Zabobrze
Another meeting of the Mayor of Jelenia Gora with residents was held on December 7, 2022. The meeting was held at the Arka Jelenia Góra hall in Zabobrze. It began with information on the project “Live, reside, work in Jelenia Gora!”.

Workshops “Recycle– don’t throw away” and “Repair – don’t throw away.”
On 17.10.2022, 3.11.2022 and 1.12.2022, the project partner – Karkonoski Park Narodowy (the Karkonosze National Park), conducted a workshop entitled “Recycle– don’t throw away” in which a total of 42 people participated. In 3 sewing workshops, participants learned how to operate sewing machines [...]

The survey
Dear Citizens,
we would like to kindly ask you to complete a questionnaire surveying the satisfaction of Jelenia Góra residents. The questionnaire is intended, among other things, to identify your expectations as residents of Jelenia Góra and customers of municipal institutions.

Dear Citizens, We invite you to participate in public consultations of documents developed as part of the project "Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!" co-financed by the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The consultations will begin on December 5, 2022,and last until [...]

Meeting of the Mayor of Jelenia Gora with residents of Cieplice
On 27.10.2022, in the hall of the Branch of the Wrocław University of Technology in Jelenia Góra, there was a meeting of the Mayor of Jelenia Góra with residents of Cieplice. The meeting was held as part of the "Live, reside, work in Jelenia Gora!" project. The Mayor of Jelenia Gora began the meeting with a presentation on investments [...]

A meeting between the Mayor of Jelenia Gora and local entrepreneurs
The third meeting in the series of meetings between local entrepreneurs and city authorities (the so-called "business breakfasts") - a meeting between the City Mayor and Jelenia Góra Business Council members - took place on 27.10.2022. The Mayor presented at the meeting the information on the project implementation progress and other investments underway [...]

Nature tours with the Karkonoski National Park
Two nature tours organized as part of the project "Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!" have been completed. On Friday, 21.10.2022, a mycological excursion along hiking trails on Mount Chojnik in Jelenia Gora-Sobieszów took place, during which it was possible to discover the world of micro-fungi. [...]

The 1st MOVI CITIES Festival –The Jelenia Góra Festival of Light has ended
From September 30 to October 2, 2022, the "Movi Cities Festival" - the Jelenia Góra Festival of Light took place in the centre of Jelenia Góra. During the three festival days, performances were held in front of the Jelenia Gora [...]

The Karkonoski National Park invites you on 21.10 (Friday) to a nature field trip, "Fungi you don't know - the mysterious world of micro-fungi", led by mycology specialist Wojciech Pusz, PhD.
More information about the event on the Facebook profile of the Karkonoski National Park https://www.facebook.com/KarkonoskiParkNarodowy

The third in a series of quarterly meetings between the President of Jelenia Gora and residents and non-governmental organizations was held on September 29, 2022, at 18:00.
The meeting was held in an online format. It can be accessed to listen on the Facebook profile of the President of Jelenia Gora.

At the end of Jelenia Góra September - the Festival of light
After eight years, the Jelenia Góra Festival of Light returns to the City of Jelenia Góra. The event, which will take place between September 30 and October 2, is financed entirely by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 as part of the project "Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!" […]

KPN invites senior citizens and their families to hike with Nordic Walking coach
As part of the project "Live, reside, work in Jelenia Góra!" subsidised by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the " Local Development" program, the Karkonosze National Park organises on 30 August (Tuesday), the first of the walks with a Nordic Walking coach and an employee of the Karkonosze National Park, [...]

The second meeting of the Mayor of Jelenia Góra with residents and NGOs
On 28 July 2022 at 18:00, the second of a series of quarterly meetings of the Mayor of Jelenia Gora with residents and NGOs took place. The meeting was held online and is available to be listened to on the Facebook profile of the Mayor of Jelenia Gora. [...]

The survey
The survey has been completed. Thank you for your responses. The survey examining the satisfaction of Jelenia Góra residents was aimed, among other things, at identifying your expectations as Jelenia Góra residents and customers of town institutions.

Bilateral conference in Warsaw 31 May – 01 June 2022.
From 31.05 to 01.06.2022, the representatives of the Town of Jelenia Góra attended a bilateral conference in Warsaw organised by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. Nearly 200 participants attended the event, representing Polish local governments participating in the Local Development Program [...]

18.05.2022 Meeting of the Team preparing the Climate Change Adaptation Plan Jelenia Góra Agglomeration.
A meeting of the Team for preparing the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Jelenia Góra Agglomeration was held in Jelenia Góra. The meeting was attended by coordinators from communes and poviats involved in the development of the Plan, representatives of poviat crisis management centres, the Poviat Sanitary and Epidemiological Station [...]

A meeting of the Mayor of Jelenia Gora with residents and NGOs.
On 27 April 2022, at 18:00, the first of a series of quarterly meetings of the Mayor of Jelenia Gora with residents and NGOs took place. The meeting was held online and is available to be listened to on the Facebook profile of the Mayor of Jelenia Gora [...]

The second meeting in a series of meetings between local entrepreneurs and city authorities.
On 03 March 2022, the second meeting of local entrepreneurs with the city authorities (the so-called business breakfast) was held – a meeting of the Mayor of the Town with members of the Jelenia Góra Business Club. The meeting was attended by more than 20 members of the club. [...]