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Spotkanie Prezydenta Miasta z mieszkańcami Jeleniej Góry

Meeting of the Mayor of the City with residents of Jelenia Góra

On February 27, 2024, another meeting between the Mayor of Jelenia Góra and residents of Jelenia Góra - Cieplice was held at Pałac Schaffgotsch in Jelenia Góra - Cieplice. The gathering provided a platform to discuss various topics, including the current status of ongoing projects and investments in the Cieplice area. Residents also had the opportunity to address other pertinent issues, such as:

  1. Implementation of a paid parking zone in the Cieplice area.
  2. Revitalization plans for the market area on ul. Mieszka 1.
  3. Conservation efforts focused on preserving valuable tree species.
  4. Revitalization initiatives concerning Park Norweski.
  5. Planting initiatives in Plac Piastowski.
  6. Establishment of a designated parking zone at the Cieplice health resort.
  7. Road maintenance and repair projects in the Cieplice area.
  8. Proposal for a resident-exclusive parking zone in Cieplice.
